Saturday, October 9, 2010

Social renegades in day to day life

After a long time i am getting back to the world of blogging this will need a bit of warm-up please bear with me for that.
The recent transient events suggest the same, the human behavior which seems to be simpler and transparent is apparently vice versa, the human beings change so radically that you seemingly observe the situation in entire disbelief that what went wrong? The person who was acting normally suddenly, has lost all the courtesy and became so ignorant that doesn't even resort to accept your presence and, walks past through you like a non-existing entity. This is a very painful act and lot of remaining ignorant irrespective of the relationship in the past. This is a sheer depiction of egotism which can land the individual nowhere, though often perplexed i understand now that human beings are like this only, they try to twist and turn their relationship as per their requirements & self interest.
They are basically selfish and these traits get polished with their age, I don't have any personal objection to professionalism, but this is out of the bounds for that too as the professional people also maintain some cordiality merely under the name of formality which maintains their level of productivity.
We as Human Beings are social animals, & nowadays we have started resorting to anti social behavior and the long term consequences are insurmountable and often disastrous, no one possesses the might of facing the tag of a loner & sadist but though it might sound harsh these people are abnormal, their ego and their nerves take hold of them when it is not needed and they become a mere replicate of the venom spewing snake.
I personally have a dejected feeling as the world is increasingly getting affected by the same disease and there is no rudimentary cure available for the same. I would only say that god bless such people otherwise peril of humanity is imminent.

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